Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Session 4: Weekend of 4-21-07
Game: Blokus, 4 times
Players: Lots of folks, mostly Rebecca, Leslie, Scott, Luke

Result: Won one of four
My Competitiveness: 6
My enjoyment (based on my attitude): 7
Others' enjoyment (based on my attitude): 8
Overall Self-Grade: B+

I kvetched a bit when I got blocked, but not overly badly. I'm pretty comfortable with the strategy in this game, so I didn't overthink much, but its easy enough to keep your attitude good when you feel confident. I reckon I just generally feel secure, I need to nurture that attidude more easily.

At first, I was beating myself up a bit about this one, because I was definately trying to compete, but then again, I didn't go much beyond just trying to make a decent move. I didn't overdo it, I don't think.

I need to curb the kvetching, as I keep saying. Though, the last 2 times its been a problem, someone was at least as complainey as I was, which sort of let me let my guard down. Still, I shouldn't let that happen, nothing wrong with being a much better sport than anyone else, rather than just not-the-worst.

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